Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Let the Insanity Begin!

What is going on with the world?!

I swear: I turn my back on international politics for one moment to pay attention to domestic affairs, and all of a sudden Kosovo is declaring itself independent of Serbia, Pervez Musharraf's being voted out of office in Pakistan, and Fidel Castro is retiring. And it's only Tuesday.

This is going to be a long week, I think.

I forgot to mention a phone call I received yesterday: I had left a bowl of cookies at my friend Jo's house, and she called me, faux-panicking. "My roommates can't stop eating your cookies. [groans of delight and cookie-indulgence erupt in the background] You didn't put crack in them, did you?" Laughingly, I assured her that I hadn't. Earlier that afternoon, her roommate Michelle had taken a bite of one of the cookie mix cookies that had found its way into my cookie bowl after my roomie made them for her boyfriend, and Michelle said, "Oh. not bad. Wait...it has a weird aftertaste."
It appears that I've spoiled my friends...they'll never be able to fully appreciate the chemical-laced powder sold on grocery store shelves again! (Ha ha! My diabolical plan has succeeded!)

It's those little things like that--knowing that people enjoy my cookies so much--that make the day wonderful.

PS On an entirely different topic, I'm going to start posting my photography to another blog that is accessible here, so check it out!

I was going to try to bake today--I have an idea for a recipe that I'm DYING (not literally) to try out, but it looks like I won't be baking anything new for about 48 hours. I'm going to be doing another bouquet, training for my job, doing a promo event for the Army (go figure), and taking some emergency headshots for a friend of mine. On top of that, The Violet Hour, a Florida Players production opens on Thursday night, and the University is holding a writers' festival that I'll be attending on Saturday.


Needless to say, things are going to be a bit crazy for the next couple of days! Hopefully, my kitchen won't hate me for the neglect too much...


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