Monday, February 25, 2008

Pie in the Sky

So, apparently I missed the deadline for Sugar High Fridays Pies that Evoke Your Dreams round up. I'm mildly upset at myself, but at least I still managed to make the pie.

It's been one of those weeks--nothing's gone particularly wrong, per se. In fact, a lot has gone really, really right. (For example, I was invited to a reading by Craig Raine and John Barth at the UF Gainesville Writers Festival, and ended up not only winning a free book of Barth's but also watching Raine drunkenly attempt an Irish jig in the middle of a grad student's living room. It doesn't get too much better than that--especially when debauchery and good company abounds.) I've just been in a bit of a funk, a sort of cloudy, not-quite-there-ness that won't seem to go away.

So I bake.

This morning, I made two pies, a Chocolate Chip Cookie Pecan Pie and a Chocolate Sugar Pie. The former is gorgeous and exactly what I wanted--it was the pie meant to evoke my dreams, since I'm pretty nutty inside AND I want to be a cookie chef. The latter pie tastes amazing but didn't live up to my visual expectations. Oh well. At least I know what to do better next time.

So, without further ado, the amazing Chocolate Chip Cookie Pecan Pie:

and a brief glimpse at the Sugar Pie:

I'm actually off to continue baking...I want this blur to go away...


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