Friday, March 7, 2008

You'd Like a Menu, You Say?

So, I realized that, while Blogger does a lovely job with providing labels for each of my posts (so that if you want to filter out my random posts and get straight to the cookies, you can), I really needed just a plain old straightforward menu.

So here it is: The official menu

And I'll be updating it constantly, so that you'll know what new flavors I've been tinkering with.

I'm also kicking myself because I didn't take pictures of them before I brought them to my friends' house last night, but I came up with a recipe for a Cuba Libre cookie in honor of Fidel Castro's momentous decision to get the hell out of office. Unfortunately, Cuba is not exactly libre yet. But the cookies are damn good.

It's an interesting flavor mix; I took my Better Than Chocolate Chip recipe and deleted the chocolate chips while taking out half of the sugar (replacing it with a honey/coca cola/rum syrup). There's a splash of lime juice in the syrup, as well as in the rum and coke glaze. It's not too sweet and it has a very smooth flavor with a nice little citrus kick at the end.

I wish I had a picture for you, but until then, just close your eyes and imagine...

And if you have any suggestions for flavor combinations, I'm all ears!


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